Catholic Conference of Ohio

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

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CCO Testified in Support of SB 159 for a Tax Credit for Donations to Pregnancy Resource Centers

The Catholic Conference of Ohio testified this week in support of Senate Bill 159, which would authorize a tax credit for donations made to pregnancy resource centers. Studies in Ohio have shown that black women and women of low socio-economic status are more likely to visit a pregnancy resource center. Given the plight of maternal health outcomes in Ohio by race and class, it is obvious that pregnancy resource centers are invaluable institutions serving women most in need. SB 159 would encourage directing funds to organizations whose efforts to support women with material resources, counseling, and personal accompaniment are a heroic witness to the dignity of women and their preborn children.  

Click "Read more" for the full testimony.

CCO Testifies in Support of Strong Foundations Act and EdChoice/Scholarship Funding

On Wednesday, May 3, the Catholic Conference of Ohio testified in support of HB7, the Strong Foundations Act which would support mothers and babies to address maternal and infant mortality and improve health and developmental outcomes. CCO stressed the importance of the family as the foundation of society and the Church’s commitment to solidarity with the marginalized which this bill upholds. Reference was also made to the Catholic Charities and programs like Walking with Moms in Need in which the Church accompanies and supports women, children, and families.  

Also, on Thursday, May 4, both CCO and Frank O’Linn, Superintendent of Catholic Schools for the Diocese of Cleveland, testified to support increased funding for scholarship programs at the Ohio Senate Education Committee hearing for House Bill 33 as the Senate considers its version of the budget. They also emphasized their support for universal school choice in SB11, which would expand eligibility for Educational Choice scholarships.

(Click Read More for Testimony Quotes) 

Labor Day Statement 2022

Statement Focuses on Promoting the Welfare of Working Families

The USCCB recently issued their annual reflection on the world of work and the importance of upholding the dignity of all laborers. In the reflection, Archbishop Coakley reiterated support for improved public policy to support working families, such as expanding the Child Tax Credit and passing the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act. Join us in Ohio by advocating for state policies that are pro-women, pro-family, and pro-worker. This unique time calls us to witness emphatically for authentic, life-affirming social policies. 

Read the full statement HERE.

Postpartum Medicaid Coverage expanded up to a Full Year

The Conference commends the General Assembly and DeWine Administration

With approval from federal agencies, Medicaid coverage for postpartum mothers in Ohio increases from 60 days to a full year – the maximum allowable by federal law. The Conference commends the General Assembly and the DeWine Administration for enacting this measure in the current state budget under HB 110. According to Catholic Social Teaching, legislation and budget priorities promoting a preferential option for the poor and vulnerable, including mothers and babies, is essential for a flourishing society. The Catholic Conference of Ohio continues advocacy for initiatives that allow all Ohioans to thrive and contribute to the common good, regardless of their income level or stage of life.

Action Alert: Support Families and the Environment

Ask Congress to Expand the Child Tax Credit and Invest in the Climate

According to Catholic teaching, the family is "the most basic form of human community," and therefore is "intimately linked" to the long-term future of our nation. The Child Tax Credit is an economic and social policy that supports the strength and stability of family life. Last year, more than 36 million families received a monthly payment through the expanded Child Tax Credit program to help make ends meet. Join us in asking Congress to continue the Child Tax Credit so that our economic and social policies reflect our desire to promote the family.

The call from Pope Francis to address the cry of the earth through sustainable climate investment requires our action. Join us in supporting tax incentives to support existing and emerging technologies in clean energy, resilience investments focused on protecting low-income and minority communities, and incentives to decarbonize the economy. 

See more information and contact your federal officials HERE. The Catholic Conference of Ohio advocates for more support for Ohio families and policies to promote care for our common home. 

January is Poverty Awareness Month

During Poverty Awareness Month, we are called to take up the challenge to live in solidarity with the poor. Over 13% of Ohioans live in poverty, slightly above the national average. We thank our Catholic Charities agencies, healthcare services, and parish ministries across Ohio for their tireless work to reach out to those suffering from poverty, especially during the ongoing pandemic. Learn more about the Church’s response to poverty and our promotion of integral human development here.

New Ohio Tax Credit for Tuition Assistance

Scholarship Granting Organization to prioritize low-income primary and secondary students

Ohioans can now recieve a 100% tax credit for up to $750 in cash donations to a designated Scholarship Granting Organization which aids students, including students attending private schools.  The program aims to prioritize scholarships for low-income primary and secondary students.  This is a great opportunity to provide tuition assistance for families who wish to send their children to our Catholic schools.  To learn more, contact your diocesan schools office.

Laudato Si' Action Platform

Vatican Launched Platform is a Journey Towards Full Sustainability

The Laudato Si' Action Platform is a Vatican-led initiative aimed to empower the universal Church to achieve total sustainability in the holistic spirit of integral ecology.  The Platform provides tools to assist Catholic intitutions, communities, and families in a multi-year journey to achieve the seven Laudato Si' Goals.  For more about the U.S. Platform efforts visit

U.S. Bishops’ Chairman Grateful to Senate for Passing Infrastructure Bill, Signals Need for Additional Action

Package affects those on the margins of society and protects God’s creation

Following passage of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act in the U.S. Senate, Archbishop Paul S. Coakley of Oklahoma City, chairman of the U.S. Conference of the Catholic Bishops’ (USCCB) Committee on Domestic Justice and Human Development, issued a statement of support. 

"...We are pleased that the legislation reflects an integral ecology, with historic investments in public transit, rail, bridges, and clean drinking water, and emphases on climate change mitigation, carbon capture and climate resilience. It is also very good to see expanded broadband internet access and the creation of new jobs..."

Contact your Member of Congress this August to Support Vulnerable Families!

Catholic Charities USA urges action on multiple issues

Members of Congress have returned home for the August recess and are ready to hear what issues are the top priorities for their constituents. It is a critical time to make our voices heard on the issues that matter to vulnerable people in need. This year is particularly important because members of Congress are in the midst of crafting landmark legislation that will fund many key programs that impact Catholic Charities and the people they serve in areas such as housing and homelessness, health care, hunger, poverty alleviation and others.

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