Catholic Conference of Ohio
Sunday, February 16, 2025



In collaboration with the diocesan Catholic school offices in Ohio, the Associate Director for Education advocates for public policies to support Catholic elementary and secondary schools and families. 

Examples of education issues include:

  • EdChoice & State Scholarships
  • School Operating Standards
  • School Regulations & Requirements

Education News:

CCO Comments on Governor DeWine's Executive Budget

In response to Governor Mike DeWine’s final executive budget, Brian Hickey, executive director for the Catholic Conference of Ohio, released the following statement:

“We commend Governor DeWine’s continued commitment to Ohio’s families and children through the Executive Budget, especially the proposed state child tax credit – a long-sought policy goal of the Catholic Conference for Ohio’s families. This would be a meaningful investment in recognizing Ohio’s families as the primary social institution of society and the foundation of Ohio’s future. We also commend the DeWine administration for identifying ways to use taxation for the common good, including recognizing the ongoing harms and addictive nature of sports gambling. Additionally, we thank Gov. DeWine for his commitment to educational options for Ohio’s families, and we look forward to sharing more about the life-changing difference Ohio’s school choice programs have had for children and parents in the budget deliberation process.”  

EdChoice Scholarships: Making Catholic Education Affordable for All Families

Catholic Schools Week

As we celebrate Catholic Schools Week, we give thanks for the Ohio legislature for making a Catholic education affordable for all families. The Ohio EdChoice Expansion Scholarship program offers all Ohio students a scholarship to attend a Catholic school! Most Ohio families qualify for the full scholarship of $6,166 for students in K-8 and $8,408 per year for high schoolers.

Click "Read more" to learn how Catholic schools and the EdChoice scholarships are making a difference for Ohio families.

The CCO Testified in Support of SB 311 (O’Brien) on EdChoice and Special Needs Scholarships

The Catholic Conference of Ohio testified in support of Senate Bill 311, sponsored by Senator Sandra O’Brien (R-Ashtabula), which would permit students to concurrently receive an Educational Choice scholarship or Cleveland scholarship and either an Autism or Jon Peterson Special Needs scholarship. SB 311 would ensure families of children with special needs are also afforded the opportunity for an EdChoice scholarship to help pay for tuition at the school that best fits their child’s needs. Although the bill did not pass the General Assembly, the CCO will advocate for its provisions during the State operating budget deliberations in early 2025.

School Choice Expansion

Ohio's Educational Choice (EdChoice) Scholarship Program, advocated for by CCO, is now available to ALL Ohioans after Governor DeWine signed the State budget into law on July 3! Students can use an EdChoice Scholarship at one of Ohio's hundreds of Catholic or other eligible schools. 

Click "Read More" for details on how to Apply Today!



State Scholarship Programs

Learn about the various Scholarship Programs available to Catholic Schools in Ohio.

Learn more


Archdiocese of Cincinnati
Catholic School Office

Diocese of Cleveland
Catholic Schools Office

Diocese of Columbus
Catholic School Office

Diocese of Steubenville
Office of Christian Formation and Schools

Diocese of Toledo
Department of Catholic Education

Diocese of Youngstown
Office of Catholic Schools

The Ohio Catholic School Accrediting Association

Department Contacts

Tom Rhatican
Associate Director, Department on Education

Convenes and staffs the Superintendents of Catholic Schools 


Theresa Bowser
Director, OCSAA

Convenes and staffs the Ohio Catholic School Accrediting Association (OCSAA)

Brian Hickey
Executive Director, Catholic Conference of Ohio