Catholic Conference of Ohio
Sunday, February 16, 2025



In collaboration with the diocesan Catholic school offices in Ohio, the Associate Director for Education advocates for public policies to support Catholic elementary and secondary schools and families. 

Examples of education issues include:

  • EdChoice & State Scholarships
  • School Operating Standards
  • School Regulations & Requirements

Education News:

Conference Grateful to Families Intervening in EdChoice Lawsuit

Hopeful Ohio’s EdChoice programs will continue to serve families for years to come.

The Catholic Conference of Ohio is grateful to the families who filed a motion to intervene in the lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of Ohio’s EdChoice Scholarship Program at the Franklin County Court of Common Pleas. They represent the cause of all families across the state who receive these scholarships. To read the full statement from the Catholic Conference of Ohio click read more. 

Lawsuit Filed Challenging the EdChoice Scholarship Program

The program assisting families who wish to select schools best suited for their children remains in effect

On January 4, 2022, a lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of Ohio’s EdChoice Scholarship Program was filed in the Franklin County Court of Common Pleas.  Nothing has changed due to the filing.  The program remains in effect during this phase of litigation.  Ohio’s educational scholarship programs have been a fixture of state education policy since the Cleveland Scholarship Program in 1995.  Educational choice scholarship programs assist thousands of families each year who wish to select schools that are best suited for their children.  As a longtime proponent of school choice, the Catholic Conference of Ohio is assessing next steps in responding to the lawsuit.  Although disappointed in the lawsuit’s filing, we remain hopeful these programs will continue to serve Ohio families for years to come.   

New Ohio Tax Credit for Tuition Assistance

Scholarship Granting Organization to prioritize low-income primary and secondary students

Ohioans can now recieve a 100% tax credit for up to $750 in cash donations to a designated Scholarship Granting Organization which aids students, including students attending private schools.  The program aims to prioritize scholarships for low-income primary and secondary students.  This is a great opportunity to provide tuition assistance for families who wish to send their children to our Catholic schools.  To learn more, contact your diocesan schools office.

Catholic Conference Advocates on the State Budget Bill

Senate school choice provisions especially helpful to Catholic school students and families.

In a letter sent to public officials regarding the state budget bill, HB 110, the Catholic Conference of Ohio offered areas of support and concern. It states:

"Thank you for your careful consideration of this important legislation. We appreciate how each version of this bill built upon the excellent frameworks of the others. Overall, we find the versions before you to be child-friendly and family-friendly. We especially appreciate the additions in the Senate that enhance care for both the unborn and newly born, provide further conscience protections, and incorporate school choice provisions within the broader framework of school funding reforms. 

We offer several recommendations to the Conference Committee..."


State Scholarship Programs

Learn about the various Scholarship Programs available to Catholic Schools in Ohio.

Learn more


Archdiocese of Cincinnati
Catholic School Office

Diocese of Cleveland
Catholic Schools Office

Diocese of Columbus
Catholic School Office

Diocese of Steubenville
Office of Christian Formation and Schools

Diocese of Toledo
Department of Catholic Education

Diocese of Youngstown
Office of Catholic Schools

The Ohio Catholic School Accrediting Association

Department Contacts

Tom Rhatican
Associate Director, Department on Education

Convenes and staffs the Superintendents of Catholic Schools 


Theresa Bowser
Director, OCSAA

Convenes and staffs the Ohio Catholic School Accrediting Association (OCSAA)

Brian Hickey
Executive Director, Catholic Conference of Ohio