Catholic Conference of Ohio
Sunday, January 12, 2025



In collaboration with the diocesan Catholic school offices in Ohio, the Associate Director for Education advocates for public policies to support Catholic elementary and secondary schools and families. 

Examples of education issues include:

  • EdChoice & State Scholarships
  • School Operating Standards
  • School Regulations & Requirements

Education News:

CCO Statement on Passage of the Ohio Senate Budget

The following statement is from Catholic Conference of Ohio Executive Director Brian Hickey on the passage of the Ohio Senate budget:

“The historic school choice expansion in the Ohio Senate budget would allow every student in Ohio to receive a scholarship to attend a school of their choice, including one of Ohio’s hundreds of Catholic schools. This expansion adheres to the Catholic Church’s teaching that parents, as the primary educators, have a fundamental right to choose a school for their children, and public authorities have the duty to guarantee this right. Ohio’s Catholic school community is grateful for the Senate leadership’s support in putting Ohio families and children first in their educational decisions.

The Catholic Conference of Ohio will ask the Conferencing Committee to keep these education provisions in the final budget and maintain provisions in the House version that address the needs of vulnerable populations, including pregnant women, seniors, and children. Public policy must promote the common good and allow all people to develop holistically, especially those needing assistance.”

Action Alert: Support School Choice

Ask Your Representatives to Support HB 33

Lawmakers are currently weighing budget proposals (House Bill 33) to dramatically increase the availability of school choice scholarships such as EdChoice, which currently provides up to $5,500 per eligible pupil in grades K-8 and $7,500 for grades 9-12. 

Click "Take Action" to send a message to your state representatives and let them know the benefits of making EdChoice scholarships available to all.

Take Action

CCO Testifies in Support of Strong Foundations Act and EdChoice/Scholarship Funding

On Wednesday, May 3, the Catholic Conference of Ohio testified in support of HB7, the Strong Foundations Act which would support mothers and babies to address maternal and infant mortality and improve health and developmental outcomes. CCO stressed the importance of the family as the foundation of society and the Church’s commitment to solidarity with the marginalized which this bill upholds. Reference was also made to the Catholic Charities and programs like Walking with Moms in Need in which the Church accompanies and supports women, children, and families.  

Also, on Thursday, May 4, both CCO and Frank O’Linn, Superintendent of Catholic Schools for the Diocese of Cleveland, testified to support increased funding for scholarship programs at the Ohio Senate Education Committee hearing for House Bill 33 as the Senate considers its version of the budget. They also emphasized their support for universal school choice in SB11, which would expand eligibility for Educational Choice scholarships.

(Click Read More for Testimony Quotes) 

Support School Choice for all Ohio Families

Ask your Ohio Senator to Support SB 11

The Catholic Conference of Ohio supports SB 11 (Enact the Parental Education Freedom Act), which would allow every student in the state of Ohio the opportunity to receive an EdChoice Scholarship. For decades, the Catholic Conference of Ohio and the Catholic Church nationwide have led advocacy for expanding school choice to allow more students of all backgrounds and income levels to attend Catholic schools. We must uphold public policies that strengthen the family as the central social institution of society.

Click below to take action and ask your Ohio Senator to support SB 11 and expand EdChoice Scholarships to all Ohio students.

Take Action


State Scholarship Programs

Learn about the various Scholarship Programs available to Catholic Schools in Ohio.

Learn more


Archdiocese of Cincinnati
Catholic School Office

Diocese of Cleveland
Catholic Schools Office

Diocese of Columbus
Catholic School Office

Diocese of Steubenville
Office of Christian Formation and Schools

Diocese of Toledo
Department of Catholic Education

Diocese of Youngstown
Office of Catholic Schools

The Ohio Catholic School Accrediting Association

Department Contacts

Tom Rhatican
Associate Director, Department on Education

Convenes and staffs the Superintendents of Catholic Schools 


Theresa Bowser
Director, OCSAA

Convenes and staffs the Ohio Catholic School Accrediting Association (OCSAA)

Brian Hickey
Executive Director, Catholic Conference of Ohio