Catholic Conference of Ohio
Sunday, January 12, 2025



In collaboration with the diocesan Catholic school offices in Ohio, the Associate Director for Education advocates for public policies to support Catholic elementary and secondary schools and families. 

Examples of education issues include:

  • EdChoice & State Scholarships
  • School Operating Standards
  • School Regulations & Requirements

Education News:

Catholic Conference Education Director Testifies on EdChoice

Legislature Ends Nine Days of Testimony

Testimony on behalf of the Catholic Conference of Ohio was presented by Larry Keough, Associate Director for Education.

The HB 9 Conference Committee has been conducting hearings regarding proposed changes to the EdChoice Voucher programs. Last year, the Ohio Department of Education released a widely expanded list of designated EdChoice public schools. Students at these underperforming schools would be eligible for an EdChoice Scholarship. Many public-school advocates argued that this expanded list was based on flawed data and wanted the entire performance-based part of the EdChoice program eliminated.  

The Ohio House passed SB 89 that would eliminate the performance-based program while expanding the income-based part of the EdChoice program. The Senate passed HB 9 that would remove the school buildings recently added. It would continue a pared down performance-based EdChoice program along with increased eligibility for the income-based EdChoice program. Both House and Senate would have provisions for grandparenting students currently receiving a voucher.

Hundreds of people have presented testimony on this issue.  Catholic Conference of Ohio staff, diocesan superintendents, principals, parents and students have presented compelling testimonies, voiced concerns and offered suggestions to elected officials.

Catholic Conference of Ohio Testimony
Fact Sheet: Common Misconceptions Regarding Catholic Schools: Catholic Conference of Ohio

Watch all the committeee hearings
Link to all testimonies

Catholic Conference Offers Recommendations Regarding EdChoice Legislative Debate

Reiterates Call for Immediate Action

  • Posted: Feb. 10, 2020
  • Categories: Education

In a February 7, 2020 letter to Ohio elected officials, the Catholic Conference of Ohio reiterated its call for immediate legislative action on finalizing the EdChoice Scholarship system for the coming school year.  The letter offered five recommendations:

  • Meaningful educational choice for families 
  • Academic continuity for students and a way for families to keep their children together 
  • Significant Increase in the eligibility threshold for EdChoice Expansion  
  • The least disruption to families who are relying on EdChoice for 2020/2021
  • Sufficient and stable funding 

EdChoice Scholarship Crisis

House Passes its Version of EdChoice Changes

The House passed its school voucher plan on February 5, 2020. That plan would convert the EdChoice system to one based only on family income going forward, with some opportunity for current students and siblings to keep receiving traditional EdChoice Scholarships.  

The Senate passed its version on January 28, 2020. The Senate plan reduced the number of school buildings that would be added to the traditional EdChoice eligibility list for the upcoming school year, while increasing the number of families eligible for income-based school vouchers.

The Catholic Conference has called upon elected officials to  resolve differences immediately. Parents need to decide where to enroll their children in school.  Schools need to make decisions about teachers’ contracts and budgets. Every day that goes by makes the situation more difficult for everyone.

House Plan
Senate Plan

House Floor Debate February 5, 2020

Legislators Urged to Resolve EdChoice Delay

Catholic Conference Calls Legislators to Come to the Negotiation Table NOW

In their February 3, 2020 response to delays in the EdChoice Scholarship Program the Catholic Conference wrote:

"Legislative delays in finalizing the EdChoice Scholarship Program for the coming school year cause us grave concern. The Catholic Conference of Ohio urges Ohio legislators to go back to the table NOW to finalize the EdChoice Program for the 2020/2021 school year.

Parents need to decide where to enroll their children in school.  Schools need to make decisions about teachers’ contracts and budgets. Every day that goes by makes the situation more difficult for everyone..." 

For complete statement CLICK HERE


State Scholarship Programs

Learn about the various Scholarship Programs available to Catholic Schools in Ohio.

Learn more


Archdiocese of Cincinnati
Catholic School Office

Diocese of Cleveland
Catholic Schools Office

Diocese of Columbus
Catholic School Office

Diocese of Steubenville
Office of Christian Formation and Schools

Diocese of Toledo
Department of Catholic Education

Diocese of Youngstown
Office of Catholic Schools

The Ohio Catholic School Accrediting Association

Department Contacts

Tom Rhatican
Associate Director, Department on Education

Convenes and staffs the Superintendents of Catholic Schools 


Theresa Bowser
Director, OCSAA

Convenes and staffs the Ohio Catholic School Accrediting Association (OCSAA)

Brian Hickey
Executive Director, Catholic Conference of Ohio